Hi TEAM! cheerleader

After my two day hissy fit over the snow, during which I did absolutely zero stretching and/or exercise... no

Followed by swimming yesterday in 82F water ~ the pool was 4F colder because of the outside temperature. I am having more stiffness and pain since I started cymbalta & LDN. I seriously dislike "shooting myself in the foot". mad

I hope everyone else is moving out there! cheerleader

So far today I've tried to get back to practicing what I preach and have managed 10 minutes of stretching and 25 minutes of tai chi.

Go TEAM! clap

ANA+ RF+ Rh- HLAB27+
Dx JRA 1967, GAD 1997, AS 2009, HMs 2010, CPS 2013
pulmonary edema w/ NSAIDS 2009

Movin' it so I don't lose it!