Just as a side note (incase anyone wanted to know about any calculations) here are some of my workings out!

1 round of 24foot pool = 8 yards (3ft = 1yard)
You swam:
8 x 200
8 x 250
8 x 250
8 x 200
TOTAL 7,200 yards

I need you to time yourself on one swim so that I can go back and calculate your time, please hon! Thanks so much.

You walked 2.5 miles / 1 mile and 1.5 miles respectively

I used the 20 minute = 1 mile to calculate your times as follows:

50 minutes / 20 minutes and 30 minutes

(Trish your 4km = 2.5 miles)

I calculated my 5km = 3 miles

rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow

Thanks everyone!

I hope my calculations are correct - I am checking and double-checking!!!

KickAS and help others do the same!