Hi Erika!
Yes...krav bag class now has you take a number and you turn in to a door guy. Apparently there were folks sneaking into classes that werent members or were not signed up for it. Hmpf! So we suffer for it. Grr. That's why I went jogging instead...more like excited shuffling...lol laugh2

You would think I would remember the pumpkins with 2 wee bugs with us. Nope. But I'm hunting down items for Sofia's Draculaura costume from the Monster High book for her annual costume parade at school. Found ONE piece. Found an Iron Man book for little man's costume too at half price book thank goodness! cheerleader I am pooped out. My legs are so sore..I could barely get out of the car. Tomorrow rest!!

Hubby bought some Kahlua mudlside...and I havent had some in YEARS..so going to relax in the evening with barbeque and a couple of drinks! rainbow

I am so sorry to hear about the propane accident!! Omg...I am glad that it wasnt more serious. Although burns period are frightening. Take care....much luv from the bug! hugss