Instead of going for a walk, cleaned up my indoor plants; that took several hours, longer than I thought it would. We had the local wood shop make us some new plant stands (more indoor plants now than before). They summer outside, then come in. Had them all laid out on the floor waiting for the stands; now they are on the stands and look much better. I gave them each a haircut that they were badly in need of!

Then we went to the grocery store, so some walking around there.

Nothing too aerobic, but up and about for many hours yesterday.

Its very much a winter wonderland here! snowflake1


Spondyloarthropathy, HLAB27 negative
Humira (still methylprednisone for flares, just not as often. Aleve if needed, rarely.)
LDN/zanaflex/flector patches over SI/ice
vits C, D. probiotics. hyaluronic acid. CoQ, Mg, Ca, K.
walk, bike
no dairy (casein sensitivity), limited eggs, limited yeast (bread)