Wed Stats: Krav CB: 60 min
Friday: Krav Cycling: 60 min

Hola folks!
Buggie is back. We are down to one car right now and I am plumb worn out! mad Especially when he goes in at 430 am and out anywhere from 4-7 pm at night. Then little man joined CYO basketball with his best friend! sleep1 So I spent the morning sleeping in! Oh yes, and they were all congested. Had to take Gianna to pedi on Thursday. She had a sinus infection, ear infection, AND cellulitis in her left index finger! no She's on antibiotics so she's slowly recouping! rainbow
No school saturday so I slept in till 10! I felt soooo good! Back is achy from the cooler days and rain on and off. But I got some sleep and that was awesome! No class today--walking tomorrow hopefully if it doesnt rain! heart
This place is so busy -Way to go everyone!! Go team!!! cheerleader clap