If you are poor in a country that only has a private health care system, you can't get health care without insurance. From the postings on this site, it's clear that people are very scared about the risk of losing their healthcare insurance.

The children who we serve in our social services organization typically come from extreme poverty. Fortunately for them, they live in Canada and can get health care. We have to fund raise to help them get dental care. If they're in pain (from dental issues, for example) we make little progress in assisting them to develop life skills and become useful employable members of our society. They're far too distracted.

We get frustrated because we can't get dental care for them without the endless rounds of fund raising. I can't imagine what it would be like if we couldn't get them into a doctor for their physical or mental health problems.

Last edited by WendyR; 12/18/09 07:29 PM. Reason: typo


Rheumatoid Arthritis
Methotrexate, Celebrex, Plaquenil