Hi Lon,

You are in good company. More then half of Americans receiving their insurance through an employer actually have a self-funded plan. My employer's plan has been self-funded for the decade I have been employed by them; and I could not be happier with my coverage. My co-worker on the other hand is terribly unhappy. ...You can't please all of the people all of the time ...

You are right, I have not explicitly stated my opinion. Working in the industry, it seemed somewhat unfair to do so. I am starting to think that it is time to "stand up and be counted" when it comes to an opinion on healthcare reform that has the potential to impact not just my family, not just my country, but the future healthcare and economies of the rest of the world. I'll have to get back to you on that though. I have two financial reports to plow through before I leave work for the day.

I have seen a few success stories for people who have come out of Welfare and public assistance situations. I have to admit though, that I have seen more success stories coming from situations involving heartfelt charitable assistance from individuals and foundations. Perhaps more on that later too...