Administrator/owner: John (Dragonslayer) Administrator: Melinda (mig) WebAdmin: Timo (Timo) Administrator: Brad (wolverinefan)
· Tim (Dotyisle)
· Chelsea (Kiwi)
· Megan (Megan)
· Wendy (WendyR)
· John (Cheerful)
· Chris (fyrfytr187)
QR Code
If you want to use this QR code (Quick Response code) just save the image and paste it where you want. You can even print it and use it that way. Coffee cups, T-Shirts etc would all be good for the QR code.
my sense of it is that as Drizzit said, clearly he has a speech impediment. He certainly doesn't look [*] to me in these clips, but does stumble frequently, and has a hard time getting the words out. And especially in the second clip, that's a 46 minute long section, are we to think [...*]