Administrator/owner: John (Dragonslayer) Administrator: Melinda (mig) WebAdmin: Timo (Timo) Administrator: Brad (wolverinefan)
· Tim (Dotyisle)
· Chelsea (Kiwi)
· Megan (Megan)
· Wendy (WendyR)
· John (Cheerful)
· Chris (fyrfytr187)
QR Code
If you want to use this QR code (Quick Response code) just save the image and paste it where you want. You can even print it and use it that way. Coffee cups, T-Shirts etc would all be good for the QR code.
Health Care reform is long overdue in this country. I don't agree with much of the bill but I applaud a group that is finally attacking the problem and we are seeing real progress toward reform for a change.
Like it or hate it there is momentum there now to fix the mess we have now.
Personally I see this as a win for the majority in the US and a defeat for the very vocal minorities.
Last edited by drizzit; 11/08/0904:52 AM.
No families take so little medicine as those of doctors, except those of apothecaries.