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· Tim (Dotyisle)
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· John (Cheerful)
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QR Code
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Hey Grimm! Doctors do make a ton of money here compared to other countries especially the specialists. I also think that insurance companies are a lot of the problem. Their profits are huge. In the Netherlands, all insurance companies are run as non-profits just like our credit unions. The insurers are private. The government regulates but doesn't actually run anything. I heard that 35% of all of our health care dollars go to insurance companies. I think we should adopt the Dutch model. They also don't allow people to be discriminated against if they have a preexisting condition. All people are treated the same regardless of age or health or gender. For instance, all single individuals must be charged the same rate by their insurance company. The same goes for married couples and then married couples for children. This system would help and is better than ours but we still can't get around baumol's disease.