
Yes I exercise. It is who I am. I have done all kinds of outdoor sports over the years and have loved every minuet. Currently I am into road bike racing. It is the hardest thing that I have ever done. I love it. However, after my first race last year I discovered that I have AS due to pain that became cronic in my SI joint. It tottally laid me up all winter. I am an avid backountry skiier and hardly did any at all this year due to difficulty with my SI joint carrying a pack and breaking trail. I am back on the bike but have to really grit my teeth at time to deal with the SI joint pain. I can not run at all because it hurts too badly. I swim frequently and that is the least impactful. I have started the NSD and did not suffer for long without all of the carbo loading. I have not experienced a bonk since I started the diet. Pain is frequently bad. Accpunture helps temporarily. What I don't understand is that people say that AS gets better with exercise. So I did PT for months, I streach and workout alot. So, if that is truw why do I hurt so bad after exercise. Have I been miss diagnosed? I also feel stiffer at night that in the mornings. I take Indocine twice daily and it takes the edge off of the pain. What more should I be doing for myself to be pain free? I am seeing an additional Rheumy at the end of the month for a second opinion. Do you suffer from SI joint pain from biking?

