I've been an avid Mountain Biker for the past 15 years, been active most of my life (sports, weights, etc). Ride almost every day if I can (usually ends up average 4-5 days ). Make annual trips to Moab (although walk around some of the old rock piles I didn't used to). Make it a point to live close to trails, hills where I can ride straight from home. It's just been the last 4 years that the AS has reexaberated and I've noticed a little setback, but attribute/hope most is to just aging (38 now). Have noticed a little more of the wrist/hand cramping problems. Also had a good spill last year and felt it all through my body and back. Nowadays, try to "ride to ride another day", but can still ride hard, take chances (but wear the pads at Moab now). Winters can be hard to get out (still do if roads are dry). I do the stationary bike and gym in winter but not the same. Good when you can enjoy the exercise. Went and got a headlight last month and doing night rides (a blast). I think my neighbors think I'm crazy, always riding around. But hey... put yourself in my position.

It sure can make a difference with the AS in the summer times (and just stress relief) but I haven't quite been able to shake it into remission. Have had to stop some stretching and lifting as of late, but doing the basic exercises or I just seem to hurt more. Currently on Voixx. Have had stomach problems with Sulindac, Diclofenac and Celebrex. Trying enzymes and other stuff now. Made major changes in diet this year seeming to help a little. Also been a smoker through the years, and that's stopped as I know it can't be helping. Going to keep on cycling as long as I can do it - believe its helped get me along further and help beat what I can. My biggest problem now is that I work an office job, and the continual sitting seems to be racking the back. Can get home late, exercise late, problems sleeping and dragging into work. Having to keep restructuring & discipling my life more, but positive and life is still good and getting better - cruel world won't get the best of me.