Thanks. And yeah, 18mo of iyengar yoga, I couldn't touch my toes before that. I tried this morning first thing, could get to about a foot from my toes. If I was "starched up" I can barely bend forward at all because my neck would hurt too much. I got the impression she assumed I would have fusions in my spine if I'd had AS for 16 yrs, I guess that's what basic GP knowledge would teach her to expect.

I am coping better today. Reminding myself that whatever this disease I have is, it already is what it is, and whether the diet will work, that's already decided too. Nothing the doctor says, and no diagnosis, correct or incorrect, will change my life in that way. That helps. Still praying for a positive ESR or CRP though lol.

Symptomatic since 1996
Gluten free since 2008
Paleo since 2010
NSD since 2011