I was told that the timeframe for Humira to start working is pretty wide. Some people feel the affects in a day or two, and some don't feel it for a month or two. It depends on the person. I had my first shot just a little over 24 hours ago and I haven't noticed any reduction in pain. But then again, I'm not going through a flare, so my "pain" is just mild inflamation and stiffness. Last night, for the first time in 9 years, I slept through the night without waking up once. You have no idea how significant that is!!!! Well, maybe you do, we're all kinda in the same boat, right? wink3 When I'm going through a flare, I wake up 30+ times a night, no joke. When I'm not having a flare, I wake up about 4 or 5 times to reposition myself because of pain or discomfort. So you can imagine how shocked I was this morning to wake up with the alarm clock! Just now as a test, I bent over to see how far I could go, and I felt the strangest sensation in my back. It took me a minute to realize it was my muscles being (non-painfully) stretched. I can't remember the last time I felt that. I still have limited range of motion and pain, but I'm definitely noticing small subtle changes. If this keeps up, I'll be one happy woman cheerleader