Starch .. Well yes there would be starch. The first time I ate them I tied only about half a teaspoon and yet had no pain. Actually that should have been enough starch to cause trouble.

Although it does seem overwhelmingly evident that these cultured soy beans have put me in to remission, I still can't 100% rule out other things that I tried earlier in the year as being potentially helpful, eg Lufenuron and Polygodial.

>> What brand of natto

I haven't tried any commercial Natto yet, just the homemade one from my neighbour. When I do try it I will let you guys know how they compare in flavour / appearance / odour

what I can eat on the diet (click here) -- my blog -- contact me (PM is broken)
"Some men, in truth, live that they may eat, as the irrational creatures, 'whose life is their belly, and nothing else.' But the Instructor enjoins us to eat that we may live." -- Clement of Alexandria (about 200 AD)