i couldn't help but notice your story about your pulled muscle from "stretching"; i thought i was the only one who did this (til i heard others on here share similar); tore my rhomboid this way, tore the IT/TFL bands this way. but was lucky to have PTs that knew first you have to let it heal, help it heal with things like heat/ice, ultrasound, etc. then once its out of the accute stage, then you do the gentle exercises, and if the exercises flare it, you go back to the healing stage. was lucky in both cases. and for me it took many years (and its still not right) for the rhomboid to get better and a year for the IT/TFL bands to get better.

i've had other PTs, that basically just did exercises that would try to do too much before my body was ready, and each time it would only make it worse.

but i've found these things (for me at least) really don't recover on their own. i need PT to fix me, but gentle and slow, like i described above.

i think its a matter of finding the right PT, someone like louise!
finding someone who calls themselves a manual physical therapist might be a place to start.

now i can often fix these things myself by following what i learned in PT, but no way could i without all those years of PT.

PS and please don't blame yourself, no way for you to know, and you did try, you went to PT, not your fault that it made things worse. that's a shame that that happened, it didn't have to, but a good PT should be able to help you gain your muscles' strength back i would think. i was amazed how far things could be turned around for the good; like a neck so weak it was almost constantly in spasming to one that is much better now, and only acts up in flares.

Last edited by Sue22; 04/21/11 08:56 PM.


Spondyloarthropathy, HLAB27 negative
Humira (still methylprednisone for flares, just not as often. Aleve if needed, rarely.)
LDN/zanaflex/flector patches over SI/ice
vits C, D. probiotics. hyaluronic acid. CoQ, Mg, Ca, K.
walk, bike
no dairy (casein sensitivity), limited eggs, limited yeast (bread)