Hi Ally!

Up until this week I had never heard of intestinal cystitis, but just yesterday I was reading through a new friends blog, and she overcame that condition through a very strict GAPS diet. I know you are already a big fan and follower of GAPS but thought maybe you would find some comfort in reading her blog.

We recently connected and she is also publishing a recipe book on food and health (like me!) And we are including a recipe from each other in our upcoming books. (And I am so honored you have shared your story with me and are in the book too Ally!!) She owns and operates these super yummy ice cream shops in Eugene Oregon, where she serves grass fed ice creams, dairy free vegan ice creams, paleo waffles, homemade bone broth soups, anyhow my favorite place to eat in Eugene. She makes the best grain free waffles EVER, and can't wait to include that recipe in the book!! When I go there I get a grain free waffle with a big scoop of her date dream dairy/refined-sugar-free ice cream on top,so yum!! She also avoids starchy foods and has a form of arthritis.

Anyhow, check out her site here http://meganstevenseatbeautiful.wordpress.com

Excerpt from Megan's blog: "My most exciting mark of progress thus far is that my mild, remaining Interstitial Cystitis symptoms (a bladder and urethra disease that is incurable for most) are completely gone. The disease had improved considerably three years ago, after first going on the GAPS Diet. But in getting back on the Intro. Diet, I am now free completely of all symptoms, which is a huge indicator that my gut has sealed up considerably more than it was able to on the Full GAPS Diet. Interstitial Cystitis is basically just Leaky Gut extended down your alimentary canal. So healing in the bladder and urethra indicate healing in the whole gut!"

Last edited by bettyrawker; 05/31/14 12:26 PM.

I'm now a KICK AS (and Kick IBD) success story!! After going low starch Paleo to heal my gut, I can now eat nearly all starches, grains & foods without inflammation, flare-ups, or pain. I used a modified SCD diet approach (minus dairy! plus cacao ♥). Cheers to healing & thriving again! I blog at http://www.forestandfauna.com/about/