Originally Posted By: elmerfudd
My doctor never called in the medical information. January 24 and now he has waited so long that the insurance company has canceled the claim.
I decided to not worry, I have already lost everything else. the truck? come and get it.....
meds? nope...cancelled. rehabilitation doctor appointment....cancelled. paying bills.....cancelled.
At least he didn't charge me this week for the appointment. He seems clueless about the guidelines that my employer has. I am sure things will work out one way or another.
I have become quite good at being broke, with no income for months at a time.
thanks doc, hope you had fun on your two weeks vacation.

I am very lucky that I had my good rheum. when I filed for SSD. He kept meticulous records and was so thorough. If I had to be diagnosed and first seen by one of these last two losers, I'd be dead by now. I'm not being overly dramatic. I hope you can get a better doctor and the help you deserve!