I have a extra deep pillow top no flip kingsize mattress,.... and after maybe a year i had to buy a memory foam... and now 5 years after that i put another egg carton foam ontop of that.

When i went on vacation last year to Myrtle Beach... we had a vacation rental and our bed was plain normal spring mattress. flare UP! i would wake after 5 hrs of 'sleep' and couldnt breath for the pain. (odly enough it didnt occur to me then that it could be AS) we then bought the egg carton foam ... it didnt helpt that much on that mattress but helps now a bit.

Diagnosed Fibromyalgia 2004
Diagnosed Ankylosing Spodylitis Sept 2011.
Vertigo Since October 21 2012
Humira June 2012
Spending Each day using it to the full to help people in my community have hope, the only hope that keeps me going despite pain and fatigue every day most of the day.