Thanks's still up in the air, I think they're afraid to advise us one way or the other and I don't really blame them because so many people threw a fit about having to spend money evacuating for Gustav last week and although we lost power and had moderate damage, had we stayed, we would have been fine for the most part but if they don't tell us to leave and it hits here, they would get the blame so, they're darned if they do and they're darned if they don't.

Age 7- Kidney Necrosis
Age 11-Bursitis
Age 14-Costo
Age 17-Psoriasis
Age 32-Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Age 33-Sacroilitis
Age 35-Interstitial Cystitis
Age 40-AS
Age 44-Fibro
Age 44-PsA
Age 45-MS
Age 46-Sjogrens
Age 46-Raynauds
Age 47-PF