To be clear, the ability to stop anxiety in its tracks took a lot of practice! Body scanning is like any other exercise - took me awhile to get good at it.

Benzos do make you sleepy, so there is that, but they work really well. Used sparingly and in small amounts (e.g. half doses) they can really help, even when you need to stay alert. (There's a trend among docs to prescribe anti-depressants like Wellbutrin and Paxil instead of benzos for anxiety....I have known several people who have done this, all without any success)

One last thing I forgot to mention: halfway between exercise and a body scan is the body squeeze. If I am feeling particularly anxious but don't have time or space for a body scan (e.g. I'm at work) I will do 3-4 full body "squeezes" - basically tense up every muscle from head to toe tight as I can for a few seconds. It is surprisingly useful for getting me back 'in' and takes almost no time.

Last edited by Kellybells; 04/03/19 03:29 AM.

Suspected USpA. HLA B27, xray, u/sound, blood tests all -ve. Ancient history of plantar fasciitis, SI joint pain, knee arthritis. Recent history of tendinitis, neck pain, debilitating finger pain and stiffness (especially mornings). No diagnosis, no meds.

2010 - stopped eating dairy
2012 - stopped eating wheat
2014 - stopped eating all grains
Jan 2017 - discovered NSD - 98% improvement in symptoms, continually amazed by my results, wish I'd found kickAS sooner