Heya All,

I was kicking the soccer ball around with my boy in the back yard. Two days later I'm suffering from a really bad flare in both SIJ, hip, spine, neck, sternum. I have been on the NSD since Jan. which has been amazing but now I'm feeling pretty helpless.

I'm really not sure how to stop the flare, I just keep taking paracetamol and endone. I can't take NSAIDs due to GIT bleeding. It's been 4 days now I'm on the verge of just popping a Celebrex. What are my options?

Also, is this typical to flare from such minimal physical exercise ? The only other time I flared like this was when i played some light Bball in the park. I just can't comprehend how such little physical exertion causes such fiery pain?

Any help would be so appreciated

thanks -d

1992-'93 DX Colitis -> Total Colectomy / J-Pouch.
2015 DX Sacroilitis (USpA)
Taking - Humira, MTX, Triphala, ReMag, Transdermal Magnesium, Lactoferrin, Peppermint oil.
Diet - No Sugar/Dairy/Starch/Alcohol