Hi, cyborg:

You have many options and the first I would offer is an extended fast. Today I ended 12 days of fasting (not for AS, but just general stuff), and I do not recommend that long necessarily for Your first fast (the first TRY You might fail, but eventually You will invest enough time in not eating that You will go on with it): SIX DAYS is adequate, five if suffering too much. But get off the steroids!!!

And in addition to this, I recommend contacting the Road Back Foundation for a local physician willing to use antibiotics to help treat autoimmune disease. Take them a copy of my AP for AS, as a basic guide if You want and also have a look at Dr. Garten's fasting chapter; all in my Important AS Resources link.

But I ask if You are taking enough EVOliveOil throughout the day and EFAs are very important. Get some borage seed oil and take a handful (2g effective GLA) just before retiring. Then fresh wheatgrass juice (4-6oz) on empty stomach (between meals) for three days in a row.

I don't know why the tnf-a blockers are not working! That is a very frustrating thing and I am sorry because these are very good drugs for pain relief.

HOWEVER, I do not need either steroids or the chimeric biologic drugs because antibiotics+NSD have been so effective, but important to choose foods that help heal the gut and also aggressively supplement with good starch-free minerals and vitamins.

You can get through this, but nothing is ever all that simple and AS is a monster that we have to hit with multiple weapons at once. Join the NSD group on FB or ask about Your diet on the NSD Forum; I really want to know how You are doing and please write to me directly if You have problems or questions.

Hang in there and regain Your