The concept here is to post recipes that allow for the various dietary restrictions that may afford us relief from our ailments.

Four categories are initally welcome: Starch-free, Low-starch, Dairy-free and Gluten- free. Others will be considered for inclusion, but should be submitted to admin first.

Each new recipe post should start a new thread, and the title of that intial post should be the category it falls into, followed by a descriptive recipe name.

Examples: "NSD - Spicy Prawns", "LSD - Casserole Sausages", "DF - Tofu Cheesecake", "GF - Corn Chowder".

By having the category first in the name of the post you can then SORT the list of recipes by the category. This will make it easier to find recipes for your chosen diet.

To perform this sort you can do the following:

1. When you select the Diet-Specific Recipes forum from the list of forums you will be presented with a list of posts.
2. Above that list is the highlighted word 'Subject'
3. When you click on this the subjects will be sorted Alphabetically, grouping all the categories together - click once for descending, twice for ascending sorts.
4. A small arrow will be displayed next to the word subject to indicate the sort.

Edited by Administration on 02/13/03 05:07 PM (server time).