"History is written by the victors" - Winston Churchill

Instead of being dumb struck, why don't you do some research? In Australia the Government and Main Stream Media (MSM) spends a lot of money on conditioning the minds of the gullible. They do not tell you that most wars in the last 200 years are over power and control by a group I am happy to call the Establishment for now, they tell you we need to be fighting in other countries to stop terrorists. We are the terrorists. They are not in Australia attacking us.

For years Australian's were sold the lie that our soldiers are assisting Syria and the US in fighting ISIS. Eventually they were exposed and we discovered the CIA actually created ISIS and was training and arming them to lead their Regime Change Agenda as they didn't like Assad. Now there is no talk about ISIS anymore, it's all about how Assad keeps attacking his own people with chemical weapons. I guess you believe that also? smile

Anyway, what I am trying to point out, there are those who do not trust the Government and MSM and do their own research and there are those who believe anything they are told.

Please do not comment any further until you have researched the matters I mentioned extensively as I have. How did I cure myself? Not by believing anything what main stream medicine told me, but by digging and digging. I came across a lot of rubbish which I filtered out. I discovered a lot of corruption and found the medical industry is driven by money and has nothing to do with health.

I remember telling an old flatmate 15yrs ago there is no such thing as Climate Change. He laughed at me and thought I was nuts, but then went away to do some research. Later he came back and apologized and started sharing all his eye opening research he discovered.