I would like to first acknowledge the Holy Spirit in leading me to finding a cure to the AS condition I suffered for approx 19 yrs. I asked for healing and He showed me how to heal myself and stay that way.

I realise many people in the health industry hate the "cure" word, so my apologies in advance to those whom I offend. I am just using it based on the old fashioned dictionary definition: "An substance or treatment that relieves someone of the symptoms of a disease or condition".

Who am I?
I am a 40 yr old male from Australia. I started suffering AS at the age of 18. The pain first affected my hips and later moved into my spine. My father had AS and for as long as I remember and had a hunched fused back. He tells of stories of the immense pain he suffered as a young adult. At the age of 35 my pain became so excruciating I could hardly sleep anymore. It was at that time I came to a point where I resolved in myself that I would either cure the condition or die. So I researched for hundreds, perhaps thousands of hours. I started putting into practice the things I learned and by the age of 37 I was completely symptom & pain free. Since then, I play soccer regularly (currently 2-3 times/week), play beach volleyball, go to the gym and enjoy the beach/outdoors. Stuff I could not do for many years. I hope some of what I learned may help others.

What is the cause of AS?
In the majority of AS cases the problem is really Leaky Gut. A particular bacteria called Klebsiella is able to escape from the gut to the circulatory (blood) system. Once in the blood stream, an autoimmune response causes your body to create antibodies to kill this bacteria. Unfortunately AS sufferers have a tissue type (identified by the gene HLA-B27) that has a similar structure to the bacteria. So the antibodies that kill the bacteria also attack our own tissue causing inflammation and pain.

What is the solution?
With this knowledge, health professionals have come up with a number of different solutions:
1. Eat less starches - As klebsiella feeds & multiplies on starches, by reducing them in your diet, less will enter into the blood, hence, there will be less inflammation/pain.
2. Antibiotics (and similar) - Attempt to kill the klebsiella in the gut. Unfortunately, most of these treatments also kill much of the good bacteria in the gut, are very toxic and make Leaky Gut even worse.
3. Immune suppression - there are drugs available for AS sufferers that attempt to suppress the immune system so that our bodies create less antibodies, hence, we get less pain. This leaves you with a compromised immune system and therefore much more vulnerable to other sicknesses/diseases.
4. Heal the gut - this is the approach I took. I figured if I could heal the gut, Klebsiella can't enter into the circulatory system, hence, there will be no autoimmune response, therefore no pain.

Of all of these solutions I looked into, #4 seemed like the only cure to me, the others just treated symptoms.

How do you heal the gut?
Most of my research I did in healing my condition was focused on healing the gut specifically. It is a massive topic. I learned a healthy diet was the key to healing Leaky Gut, but myself back then and most people are clueless to what really is healthy. The health industry is just as corrupt as the drug industry. If I explained what to do and why it would easily fill a book. So in the interest of keeping this article shorter, I will mostly explain what to do and only briefly explain "why" in a few areas.

- Drink lots of pure water (free of chlorine/fluoride)
- Replace table salt (sodium chloride) with sea or Himalayan crystal salt (containing 84+ minerals)
- Replace white sugar (with no vitamins/minerals) with raw sugar
- Eat/Drink lots of probiotics - to heal the gut and establish a healthy gut flora with at least 80% good bacteria, you must consume lots of living foods. For example: raw milk from grass fed animals, raw sauerkraut & other lacto fermented vegetables, milk/water kefir, yogurt from grass fed animals, kombucha, etc.
Note: When people have Leaky Gut, they will eventually build up allergies to many foods because no food good or bad should enter into the blood. So just consume the healthy foods you can that doesn't cause issues, once you heal your gut, you will be able to eat anything you like.
- Consume lots of bone broths of grass fed animals - this is one of the best things you can do to heal your gut
- Slow cooked meals are far healthier than fried
- Take prebiotics - ie. Raw honey, Chlorella
- Add food grade hydrogen peroxide to water between meals - it will help kill bad bacteria, oxygenate the blood and help good bacteria grow. Far safer than antibiotics.
- Eat lots of healthy fats - butter from grass fed animals, coconut oil, virgin cold pressed olive oil/macadamia oil/hemp oil/flaxseed oil avoid vegetable oils (#1 cause of heart disease)
- Replace grain fed meat with hormone free grass fed meat
Note: I've mentioned grass fed dairy/meat a few times. The reason is that grass fed has a very healthy Omega 3/6 ratio, grain fed has a very unhealthy ratio which cause inflammation in the body; the last thing you need when trying to heal your gut.
- Avoid antibiotics, it is like unleashing a nuclear weapon in your gut. It is impossible to build a strong immune system and health gut flora if you take antibiotics.
- Avoid drugs (including vaccinations) - many contain viruses, toxins, aborted baby DNA, mercury or aluminum (that eats holes in tissue). In many causes these could have been the cause of Leaky Gut in the first place.
- If you have amalgam fillings, they release lots of mercury on a daily basis. Mercury eats through tissue. Find an holistic dentist and consider having the amalgam fillings replaced with composite fillings.
# Ask yourself the question, did your symptoms start shortly after having a vaccination or a dental procedure involving amalgam fillings?
- Take products to help chelate (extract) toxins/heavy metals: diatomaceous earth, bentontie clay, zeolites, chlorella, coriander & borax.
- Consider doing water fasts as this is the quickest way to detox & heal. In the period where I was healing my condition, I did 3 water fasts between 17 & 19 days. An added bonus was that I lost 10kg (22 pounds of fat) by doing that also. I have now less than 10% body fat.

Final Note
I started drinking lots of water around 9 yrs ago after finding the website ( In that time I've had 3 mild colds and have not taken drugs once. Before that I got sick 2-3 times/year. Pure water is the top of my list of health practices. In terms of AS, water helps maintain healthy cartilage between your vertebrae, it will reduce calcification, inflammation and pain.

An added note: most cancers are caused by vaccinations. There are animal viruses or aborted baby DNA in vaccinations as they are cultured in either animal body parts or aborted babies. The baby DNA causes an autoimmune response in the body. The animal viruses infect cells and make them cancerous. If you are fully hydrated, the other cells in your body communicate efficiently and will work together passing minerals & producing hydrogen peroxide to destroy the cancer cells. If you are not fully hydrated, your cells are more concerned with staying alive, not helping other cells, hence, the cancer cells spread. It is nearly impossible to kill viruses in the blood, so the best you can do it maintain your cell health by drinking lots of water. I do believe extended water fasts is the only way to potentially kill viruses in the blood, but that is based purely on my understanding of the body, not on scientific evidence. I do not know of a study ever done in relation to this.

I do many things these days to maintain a healthy diet/lifestyle. I mostly eat organic, activate nuts before eating & eat sourdough bread/wheat products. Previously if I ate something like a pizza (containing lots of starches), I would be suffering in a lot of pain about 6 hrs later, now days I can eat what I like without pain.

Raw milk from grass fed animals is what I call the healthiest food on the planet, but I also realise western governments have a war against health, so many health products are not permitted by law. Western governments are lobbied by the drug cartel (Big Pharma), and it is in their best interest to keep you sick and dependent on their drugs.

I consider myself a free man with a free will to chose for myself, not bound by laws of a Government that are supposed to represent me, but in truth are only pursuing their own hunger for money & power.

I know a number of things I have said are controversial. Free thinkers will do their own digging and I believe will draw similar conclusions. Those indoctrinated in the system will probably oppose many things I've said. The purpose of writing this is to help those in genuine need and I have no interest in arguing with the doubters. I wish I found a post like this when I was in agony, but I didn't, it would have saved me years of pain. I hope if nothing else this post will point you in a direction you may not have considered when doing your own research.

God Bless,

Last edited by AndyJ; 06/05/15 06:22 AM.