Success on the NSD is both good news and bad news, right? It's life changing to have control over the pain and not have to take harmful meds. But it's sooooooooo restrictive.

On the bright side, I have been finding lately that my starch tolerance has improved, so there is hope. Since Feb I have been following a protocol of taking alternating a probiotic for 6-8 weeks with an herbal antibiotic (e.g. berberine, caprylic acid, oil of oregano, etc.) for 1-2 weeks. After several rounds of this, along with a very strict NSD, I now find I'm able to regularly eat some of the very low starch foods that used to cause problems, like carrots, mushrooms, winter squash and grapes. I am also finding that my occasional big cheats (bread, popcorn) are not as severe, though still painful.

Speaking of which: I had white rice a few days ago. Pain and stiffness kicked in 1.5 days later. Took me a moment to think back to the likely trigger. And it still hurts now.

I didn't do well with blanched almonds or dates a few months ago but I'm curious to try again now that I seem to have better tolerance. Glad that your son seems to do fine with them, that's very good news!

With your son being so young, strict food rules are not much fun. If you're inclined towards baking at all, you can do alot with ground blanched almonds. I used to bake quite a bit with almond flour: crackers, pie crusts, muffins, cakes, etc. If you're interested, you can Google Elana's Pantry for some great recipes (I even bought her cookbook!)

Suspected USpA. HLA B27, xray, u/sound, blood tests all -ve. Ancient history of plantar fasciitis, SI joint pain, knee arthritis. Recent history of tendinitis, neck pain, debilitating finger pain and stiffness (especially mornings). No diagnosis, no meds.

2010 - stopped eating dairy
2012 - stopped eating wheat
2014 - stopped eating all grains
Jan 2017 - discovered NSD - 98% improvement in symptoms, continually amazed by my results, wish I'd found kickAS sooner