Hi Everyone,
Had my spinal surgery last Thursday, 12 hours in total. The surgeon & his amazing team were able to get my head up and I now have titanium screws & rods in my upper spine & neck. I was released after 6 days & I'm now back home. I will be seeing my surgeon again in 6 weeks where we will discuss a lower back surgery which will correct my posture even further. It's already an amazing transformation and the second surgery is more of a tweak. It's amazing to lay flat, sit upright and of course walk about with my head up so I can see where I'm going. It's now just a daily rehab routine and I just have to give myself time to recover from such an extreme surgery....dealing with pain, fatigue, lack of strength and I've got a few areas of my body that have some level of numbness. I just need to give my body time to adjust and recover.

I'll keep you updated on my progress or go check out my Instagram page. I posted a video right after surgery + a before and after pic and a video today 1 week later back at home. My Instagram is thesteelcomplex
