I've been on Humira for almost a year now.

Initially I had higher highs and then lower lows on the Humira. Worked really well in week 1, not so much in week 2.

The rheumy said what is typical is that my flares will become less and less over time.

A year later, the high I get from the injection is less, but the second week symptoms are not as severe as they once were.

It can take some time. Read the Humira packaging and you'll see how long they say to give it; don't think you / your doctor have given it enough time.

Too, I know a lot of people here who had little to no positive effects on one biologic that had great results on another. What's the harm in trying would be the argument that I'd use with your doctor. If it doesn't work, what has been lost. But if it does work, isn't it worth it to try?

I had a third point, but can't remember it…if I do, I'll post it later.


Spondyloarthropathy, HLAB27 negative
Humira (still methylprednisone for flares, just not as often. Aleve if needed, rarely.)
LDN/zanaflex/flector patches over SI/ice
vits C, D. probiotics. hyaluronic acid. CoQ, Mg, Ca, K.
walk, bike
no dairy (casein sensitivity), limited eggs, limited yeast (bread)