Lon, the rapid weather changes of springtime in the Rockies are a bit like being given mild daily beatings with a pillow full of sanded lead-- continuous low to moderate grade pain, made tolerable most of the time with hydrocodone PRN.

Other than that I'm doing splendid.

About that burn of yours-- you may want to load up on echinacea, goldenseal and astragalus. Those all seriously enhance your immune system. Tea tree oil can be very helpful topically as an antibiotic.

"That far away"? By Mountain West standards we're neighbors, dude. Maybe after Pesach I will load up my scooter, CPAP and O2 compressor and head up your way for a couple days. We can go shoot my new toys. I don't like to go shooting alone. That's a setup for an episode of "I Shouldn't Be Alive".

But going shooting with a head full of codeine? No problem...



Author: Mayan Solstice: A Novel of 2012 (http://www.createspace.com/3420054)

If you would know a man, observe how he treats a cat.-
from "The Door into Summer" (1957), chapter 1 (Robert Anson Heinlein)

Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. (again, RAH)