BITTER MELON. This might be called ‘armagoso,’ and cerese root, and is often available in Asian markets. The basic character is somewhat odd, but it has antibiotic, antifungal, etc properties as well as other important tract cleansing properties. This is also a key treatment for psoriasis, and can be taken for about seven days during a month, then repeated.

The basic shape is similar to cucumber, and it should be sliced lengthwise and then into less than half inch segments. These are boiled in a small amount of water. Apparently, if the water is stirred very much the bitterness is increased, so gentle boiling for about 10 minutes is good.

Sections can be added to an egg scramble with other important herbs like garlic and chives. Fenugreek, another important herb in treating AS, can help offset the bitterness. Cayenne, as well as Tobasco can be used to help spice it up. Eggs, two daily (especially the yolks), are important in AS treatment, also.