Can you add in some starch free carbs like grape juice, homemade jello, fresh grapes, raisins, blueberries, watermelon, figs, apple juice, pineapple, tart cherry juice, etc.

When I went too low carb, ketosis, my eyes and skin got super dry, and I developed keto rash on my face and neck. I just bumped my carbs back up and those symptoms magically went away, and my pain continued to stay away too. The keto rash was a way my body was telling me I was creating new problems being in constant ketosis. Many others have developed dry eyes, dry skin, rashes, and secondary issues from a diet too low in carbs, see this post, and post comments.

For optimum digestion while working on gut healing, try eating natural carbs alone, not combining them fats or proteins. If you want to still eat low carb, you can start by just adding in a serving of fruit or juice per day, until you find your sweet spot.

I can eat high carb with no issues, as long as I avoid starches. But some report doing better on the lower end.

All Starches are Carbs
But Not all Carbs are Starches

I'm now a KICK AS (and Kick IBD) success story!! After going low starch Paleo to heal my gut, I can now eat nearly all starches, grains & foods without inflammation, flare-ups, or pain. I used a modified SCD diet approach (minus dairy! plus cacao ♥). Cheers to healing & thriving again! I blog at