
Gosh! So sorry to hear that You went through this!! I have been taking Plaquenil as prophylaxis against COVID and also the vitC, D, zinc, and chaga. Only slightly active at poker lately; regret the gyms still closed here, but CELEBRATION 4th March! So perhaps things will ease up. I have SO MANY COMPS! Will let You leave the tip! Excited at the prospect of seeing You and if there is anything we can do in advance, please shoot an email.

My asthma went away once I did the NSD, also; guess we hadn't discussed that. I used to be able to trigger it by eating macadamia or Brazil nuts (in addition to the normal intermittent severe allergy season--high pollen), but after I had been on NSD, and scouting around for edible snacks, I took a chance and no such reaction. Good thing too as I was traveling!

I know You will beat down this flare rapidly, but inflammation is a major portion of the COVID expression I think; I have the steroid--just in case!

Hang in there!
