I don't know if I can risk it again but won't rule it out for good. My Rheumy did warn me before going on another biologic, that my body can't handle them. I was begging him to try a biologic again, due to the fact high steroids were not kicking out my AS flares. I was having a hard time just walking and getting comfortable in bed. Maybe, I should have asked for higher steroids or should have done the steroid injections in the SI. I have osteopenia so I know these steroids are putting me even more at risk for osteporosis. Lord knows what my bones will be like now from the high steroids before starting the biologics and now having to take them for the serum sickness. Should I be taking a medication to strengthen my bones besides calcium? I heard the bone drugs have a ton of side-effects and are not well tolerated.

Should I see a Neurologist? I am a little suspicious I could have some neurological issues due to years of migraines but know this could very well be AS related too from inflammation.

I have learned through this all to trust my Rheumy.


Meds -Hizentra, leflunomide, Prednisone