Sigrid: You are an angel to take care of children that are not yours with a disease. It is too bad their parents lack the discipline. I am sure the kids benefit greatly from being with you. In the meantime, hope you can still find time to take care of you.

Have you thought about taking a break from the Enbrel, just to clear up all the sinus stuff? I did that numerous times. My only regret being on Enbrel was that I stayed on it too long. I was on so many antibiotics, I developed antibiotic resistance. I didn't want to stop the Enbrel completely because I felt the best physically besides all the illnesses I was getting. It was my survival taking care of a baby and working. My Rheumy always advised me to stop it with any illness and then restart once I was completely better so I did. I was still able to function being off it temporarily.

I remember my ENT office ordering a test to check my hearing when I was on Enbrel. The lost hearing all cleared up with antibiotics.

Sometimes too, our diseases change with time. If you go off Enbrel, you may feel your disease is not as bad as it once was. Are you on a special diet? Diet is helping me.

Hope you feel better.


Meds -Hizentra, leflunomide, Prednisone