Thanks stormy. That was absolutely excellent information. It really just proves to me that the rather cursory interpretations and reports done by NHS of xrays are not enough, and they do need to be examined much more closely. We have two GPs here - one who seems to understand the spondy disorders (I wonder if he has something like that himself) and one who definitely doesn't. I'm having to wait now until the good one comes back on duty in the new year. I don't know if he will be able to read the xray any better, but at least I think I will get a better written referral from him to a rheumie. At this stage even though I think AS fits really well with both my personal and family history, I do need to keep in mind that it could be something else completely. Whatever it is, at the least I am reassured that SOMETHING showed up on the xray rather than all the other completely negative investigations I have had over the years.