i didn't develop inflammatory arthritis until i was 35 around the time i started going through early perimenopause. i did notice (when i was still having cycles) that i flared with my hormones. i've read that estrogen protects us against inflammation (to some degree) so maybe when the estrogen dips low, maybe you feel the effects of your AS more, just a thought.

also, if you prefer to put this here, that is fine, but if you'd prefer to put it in the women's forum, you might get more answers there. if you do not have access to the women's forum yet, you can ask someone in admin like mig to put you in, either PM her or ask in the technical section, there's a post about getting into the women's forum there. if you want this moved to that forum, you can ask mig to do that as well. up to you, just suggesting......


Spondyloarthropathy, HLAB27 negative
Humira (still methylprednisone for flares, just not as often. Aleve if needed, rarely.)
LDN/zanaflex/flector patches over SI/ice
vits C, D. probiotics. hyaluronic acid. CoQ, Mg, Ca, K.
walk, bike
no dairy (casein sensitivity), limited eggs, limited yeast (bread)