Originally Posted By: snowshoe
This is an official complaint to the Administration to rename this thread AS & SHEDS, What do you find best? This thread in its present state is false advertising...we are led to believe the thread contains good advice about purchasing a bed, then have to wade through pages about a troll in a shed! False advertising, pain and suffering to light sensitive eyes, accepting donations for AS support (not sheds)...the charges are racking up...if this thread is not corrected, I respectfully request a full refund of my KickAS Country Club membership dues (USD$ please).


ANA+ RF+ Rh- HLAB27+
Dx JRA 1967, GAD 1997, AS 2009, HMs 2010, CPS 2013
pulmonary edema w/ NSAIDS 2009

Movin' it so I don't lose it!