Too soft feels great to get into for the first 1/2 hour or so, but then I wake up feeling more bent over and sore than I did before I went to bed. Too hard make it difficult for me to get comfortable, especially right at first, but I also wake up sore in my tail bone, my hips, my shoulders, and the center of my back, but at least I feel and appear to be more straightened out. So over the years I figured out that an extra firm mattress with a pillow topper is the best for me. I still get the extra firmness I need, but it also cushions my most tender areas at the same time.

HLA-B27+, JRA diagnosis in 1981, re-diagnosed as AS in 1988. Also iritis, colitis, and psoriasis. NSD + low carb helps me. My health makes it hard for me to post in a timely way.