Administrator/owner: John (Dragonslayer) Administrator: Melinda (mig) WebAdmin: Timo (Timo) Administrator: Brad (wolverinefan)
· Tim (Dotyisle)
· Chelsea (Kiwi)
· Megan (Megan)
· Wendy (WendyR)
· John (Cheerful)
· Chris (fyrfytr187)
QR Code
If you want to use this QR code (Quick Response code) just save the image and paste it where you want. You can even print it and use it that way. Coffee cups, T-Shirts etc would all be good for the QR code.
Let's see, an outrageous Alan tale.. oh I know a few!
One I can share from our recent kicker dinner... after fully captivating our waitress's attention, he went on in his usual charming way and with a tone of genuine sincerity, to request her hand in marriage!
I am still a bit surprised that she didn't instantly accept his offer! lol