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I did go to a hockey game once- twenty years ago, when the Hartford Whalers played buffalo.
I don't understand the big fuss, strange game.

I'm with you on this Peni only I beat you as I haven't been to a hockey game since I was a teen and on a date with my first b/f. He took me to this local game, when then teeth started flying and the blood started flowing and players were piled high and sticks were coming in contact with skulls he turns to me all excited and says. "isn't this great?"
Needless to say, THAT relationship didn't last long.

Ok,I will admit to watching one hockey game all the way through and that was the 1980 Olympics "Miracle on Ice" game. I do love the Olympics!

But hockey and football, hmm, well, just can't seem to figure out that male bonding thing

Am I dead yet?

"The most beautiful stones have been tossed by the wind and washed by the waters and polished to brilliance by life's strongest storms."

People will forget what you say
People will forget what you do
But people will never forget, how you made them feel
- Maya Angelou -