Administrator/owner: John (Dragonslayer) Administrator: Melinda (mig) WebAdmin: Timo (Timo) Administrator: Brad (wolverinefan)
· Tim (Dotyisle)
· Chelsea (Kiwi)
· Megan (Megan)
· Wendy (WendyR)
· John (Cheerful)
· Chris (fyrfytr187)
QR Code
If you want to use this QR code (Quick Response code) just save the image and paste it where you want. You can even print it and use it that way. Coffee cups, T-Shirts etc would all be good for the QR code.
There's nothing like that in my state. My husband wants to move to VT where it's legal to smoke medical marijuana. He's so upset that nothing else works. He wants me to try it just to see if it'll help.
my photos
avatar is the tattoo I got shortly after getting my AS diagnosis, it says "to be in good health"