I know Sue...they are all awesome, I just finished pottying all the dogs and I someone let Kristen's chihuahua out on accident and Chelsea & Abby almost got her, she was flat bookin' it trying to get away from them, I picked her up and I told her that she was lucky I was there...those to German Shepherds must've looked like monsters to her because her little heart was going 90 to nothing!

Age 7- Kidney Necrosis
Age 11-Bursitis
Age 14-Costo
Age 17-Psoriasis
Age 32-Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Age 33-Sacroilitis
Age 35-Interstitial Cystitis
Age 40-AS
Age 44-Fibro
Age 44-PsA
Age 45-MS
Age 46-Sjogrens
Age 46-Raynauds
Age 47-PF